Inspired by my niece and sister, I've decided to take on the playful challenge of snapping one photo a day—for an entire year! Snapping my first photo on February 20, I'm off and running with the 365 Project.

If I see it and I like it...I'll snap it!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm ready for my closeup

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I was in NYC this past weekend with my good friend, Pat, taking in our 5th annual conference of the International Arts Movement. Past conferences have been outstanding, but this one didn't quite measure up. Still, it had some fun participating in a worldwide moment on Thursday at 2:10PM. Here's one I snapped for art patron going in for a closeup of a painting by IAM founder Mako Fujimura.

More photos to come, but it's late and I need to go to bed.


  1. nice capture. good eye for color, symmetry. i really like this one, martha!

  2. I look forward to more of your pictures. I have a website now and I so want to start taking pictures myself and get into photography myself.

    Keep up the good work. I look forward to keeping in touch.

    Check out my blog here and also at and my website is Gracious Writing Ministries at Check them out when you get a chance.

    Until next time....

    *Grace* for the Journey

  3. Very interesting Marth-pairing the photo up with details of an amazing post modern experience! I would have thought the painting was huge-filling up an entire wall but .... not?
    ...and...welcome back to blogging-I missed you too!
